Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We're the Millers (***)

A small-time pot dealer (Jason Sudeikis) hires a broke stripper (Jennifer Aniston) and a couple of teenagers to be his pretend family on a smuggling trip to Mexico. The four of them veer between bickering and fearing for their lives while learning that, if you fake something long enough, it starts to seem a little real.

By no means does it get all sentimental, but the characters are real enough that some of the less-realistic aspects of the plot aren’t bothersome. And the funniest moments come from the characters, not the inevitable sex jokes. (The raunch level is medium, up to and including anal-sex jokes.) I enjoyed, for example, when the “daughter” (Emma Roberts) is completely baffled by a reference to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. The screenplay is the combined effort of the writers of Wedding Crashers, who probably handled most of the dialogue, and Hot Tub Time Machine, who probably came up with the idea of having Jennifer Aniston do a (PG-rated) strip for the guys running the marijuana warehouse.

IMDb link

viewed 6/28/14 on iPad [HBO] and posted 6/29/14

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